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doggone pets
At check in or upon booking, please let the groomer know if you would like to add on any additional services to upgrade the package. Some services may vary depending on pets weight. Please ask for a price quote of the services you may be interested in.
Add on services:
Brush teeth
Dremel nails
De-Shed(shed-control treatment)
Deep Conditioner
Flea/Tick treatment
Blue Berry facial
Moisturizer (feet and/or nose)
Face,feet,fanny trim
Nail Polish
Spa Packages (different spa packages available)
Non Bathing services (call to make a quick appointment)
Walk in services other than baths and grooms are offered as well. Please ask for a price quote of the services you may be interested in.
Non bathing services:
Nail trim
Dremel nails
Ear pluck
Clean Ears
Brush teeth
Face, feet, fanny trim
Anal gland expression (externally)
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